SKOPE – a new education outreach program 

Ever had a rather ambitious idea and then actually made it happen? These past few weeks have seen a stroke of inspiration I had about a year ago evolve into something tangible.
My workplace, Sovann Komar, has always done sporadic community outreach work. When I accompanied the orphanage director and some of the children to see a book donation project last year, I was immediately interested in getting more involved. As of September, I have become the co-ordinator of my own little project: Sovann Komar Outreach Program for Education (SKOPE).
Through SKOPE, I will organise several projects each year, helping rural schools throughout Cambodia in various ways. We are aiming to provide these schools with the basic necessities: classrooms, running water (toilet blocks and wells), and equipment (text books, exercise books, pens, etc.). These are things we take for granted in western countries but many schools and families struggle to provide them for students in poor areas of Cambodia. Through SKOPE, I hope we can make a real difference.


Arun pumping a well donated by Sovann Komar in 2009


SKOPE will be co-ordinated by me but it will be a community effort to help others. Many of the older children at Sovann Komar are going to get involved in helping decide the aim of different projects, organise fundraising events, and deliver the end product to the school. I think it will be a great opportunity for these children to see more of the beautiful Cambodian countryside as well as developing various skills, including organisation, management, budgeting, and social. I’m really looking forward to working with these kids after seeing them at the last outreach project and their engagement with the village children.


Lionel and Luccas handing out books at the rural school


So far, my work for SKOPE has included writing a detailed project proposal for the American board of Sovann Komar, logo design (thoughts?), reaching out to current education NGOs in Cambodia, and creating endless spreadsheets of ideas, places, schools, and numbers. The project is most certainly in its infancy but I’m very excited to see where it goes over the next year.
If you’re interesting in getting involved in any way, please comment on this blog, visit our Crowdfunder page, like us on Facebook (SKOPECambodia), or follow us on Twitter @SKOPE_Cambodia.

Children at the rural school in Kampong Chhnang, October 2014


SKOPE logo – thoughts?


7 thoughts on “SKOPE – a new education outreach program 

  1. Pingback: SKOPE – a new education outreach program  | LIFE SE ASIA MAGAZINE

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